Author Archives: Estonian Wildlife Tours
Scarce Tortoiseshell in Estonia
Of the butterflies who make long journeys to find new habitats and wander into Estonia along the way, Scarce Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis xanthomelas), member of the brush-footed butterfly family (Nymphalidae) is a remarkable species who definitely deserves attention. The Scarce Tortoiseshell in Estonia is similar to the Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) common in Estonia but it is … Continue reading
Mottled Umber Erannis defoliaria
Autumn and the frosts have come and the snow is not far off—nature is ready for winter rest. Most butterfly imagos have stopped moving around, found a place to overwinter or died, leaving the other stages of life cycle—egg, larva, pupa—to overwinter. It seems unbelievable but some species of Lepidoptera are only beginning their active … Continue reading
Clouded Yellow butterfly
This article explores a butterfly who has not yet become a permanent species in Estonia but who might attract the attention of nature lovers with its remarkable appearance and diurnal activity. It is the way of life that those who have wings go and journey to a greater or lesser extent. As a rule, butterfly … Continue reading
Garden Tiger moth in Estonia
This time I would like to acquaint you with the Arctiidae, known to many through woolly bears, or more precisely the woolly bear caterpillar of a Garden Tiger moth (Arctia caja). I selected this species since it is one of the few Arctiidae one may encounter in Estonia in August. The caterpillars of Arctiidae, including … Continue reading
Poplar admiral—Limenitis populi
Poplar admiral—Limenitis populi It is one of the biggest butterflies in Estonia. We can say that it’s not hard to find a Poplar admiral—Limenitis populi in Estonian nature. It’s not a protected butterfly and can be easily found in the right biotope. Poplar Admiral fly high up in the trees. Poplar admiral caterpillars feed on aspens. Without … Continue reading
Brown Bear watching in Estonia
Brown Bear watching in Estonia The brown bear is the biggest predator in Estonian woods. About 800 bears were recently counted in Estonia, and their number is growing markedly. Not all are happy about that because honey raids by bears have targeted beehives with increasing frequency in the recent years. The brown bears living in … Continue reading
What is bog walking?
What is bog walking? Bog walking in Estonia Lonely Planet has listed bog walking as one of the best activities in Estonia. You can go bog walking in Estonia all year round—like nature changes its colours, bogs also alter their colours in different seasons! Deciding upon the best time of year for visiting is matter … Continue reading
Are there endangered butterflies in Estonia?
In Estonia, there are seven species of day-flying butterflies under protection pursuant to Natura 2000, the EU Habitats Directive: Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne), Large Copper (Lycaena dispar), Scarce Fritillary (Euphydryas maturna), Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia), Woodland Brown (Lopinga achine), Scarce Heath (Coenonympha hero), and Large Blue (Maculinea ariona). But are they endangered butterflies? The first … Continue reading
Woodland butterflies in Estonia
Once you contribute to nature, you will soon find yourself working full time. A part of the semi-natural communities that have been gradually created by humans must learn to adapt when the human support is withdrawn. Frequently, it does not happen and biodiversity decreases. Many species rare in Europe live in Estonian semi-natural communities—wooded meadows, … Continue reading
When to come birdwatching in Estonia?
When to come birdwatching in Estonia? The best time for birdwatching is during migration, when millions of birds fill the skies. Which is April, May in spring and September, October in autumn. Best time for Steller Eider is winter but we can also see Steller Eider in early March. In Estonia – over 380 species … Continue reading