Author Archives: Estonian Wildlife Tours
Mammal-watching in Estonia
Awesome Mammals in Estonia The Estonian forests are one of the few places in Europe where you can see a variety of animals in their natural habitat. Specifically, mammal-watching in Estonia is a rare treat for people who are into wilderness observation and photography. The Mammals of the Estonian Forest There are more than 60 … Continue reading
Mammal photography in Estonia- Roe Deer !
The roe deer: 5 facts for roe deer photographers to remember Roe deer is one of the most common sights in Estonian wildlife. Of the subspecies of roe deer, only one can be found in Estonia – the European roe deer, capreolus capreolus. Those Estonians who have not encountered a roe deer herd feeding on … Continue reading
Planning for Nature Tours to Estonia
Planning for Nature Tours to Estonia If you’re planning to go to Estonia, it might be a good idea to sign up for a nature tour. Nature tours to Estonia are guaranteed to be interesting, as the biodiversity in the country makes it a famous naturist spot. Unusual animals like lynxes, minks, and flying squirrels … Continue reading
Brown Bear Photography in Estonia
“A curious bear scared a berrypicker”, “A curious bear emptied the alveary”, the Estonian newspapers report now and then. Why on Earth do we say “curious like a cat”? It is clearly – curious like a bear! If, regarding media coverage of bear-doings, this is not enough, we also have the Ruhnu bear – a … Continue reading
Moose photography in Estonia !
Moose photography in Estonia ! Moose, the largest member of the deer family, is regardless of its size sometimes still quite difficult to spot. So it happens, that the only thing drawing an observer’s attention, could be a sight of antlers from behind a bush. With a growing feeling of suspicion, I look closer, and… … Continue reading
Moorland Clouded Yellow can be seen in Estonian marshes
The Moorland Clouded Yellow can be seen in Estonian marshes, flower-studded edges of forests and on meadows from early June to mid-July. This butterfly is not rare. Another species from this genus—Pale Clouded Yellow (Colias hyale)—migrates to Estonia and specimens from its two generations can be encountered in June and from late July to early … Continue reading
When you can meet Clouded Apollo, Swallowtails, Organge Tip in Estonia?
Most of the butterflies in Estonia begin their activity in May to June. The exact time when they appear differs by year and depends greatly on the course of spring. So when exactly you can meet Clouded Apollo, Swallowtails, Organge Tip in Estonia? The family Swallowtails (Papilionidae) is represented in Estonia with three species of which … Continue reading
Spring butterflies in Estonia
In Estonia, spring arrives at different times in different years. There are years, when the first harbingers of spring—the butterflies—appear already at the beginning of March, while years, when spring arrives only during the last ten days of April are not rare either. Nevertheless, the middle of April should make butterfly enthusiasts happy about the … Continue reading
Northern winter moth and winter moth
Northern winter moth and winter moth In late October, it seems impossible that one could encounter Lepidoptera. However, there are species that begin their active life as an imago only after the arrival of the first frosts. Northern winter moth and winter moth— representatives of the geometer moth (Geometridae) family, winter moth (Operophtera) genus—are such … Continue reading
Hawk moths in Estonia
Let us get more closely acquainted with the largest, most massive and dynamic moths of Estonia—hawk moths, or more specifically Sphingidae. The Sphingidae can be recognised by their long narrow forewings, much smaller hind wings and massive body, which reminds one of a cigar. Their flight is fast and vigorous, it is characterised by hovering … Continue reading