Poplar admiral—Limenitis populi

Poplar admiral—Limenitis populi

It is one of the biggest butterflies in Estonia.

We can say that it’s not hard to find a Poplar admiral—Limenitis populi in Estonian nature. It’s not a protected butterfly and can be easily found in the right biotope. Poplar Admiral fly high up in the trees. Poplar admiral caterpillars feed on aspens. Without binoculars we may see poplar admirals on the ground when they come to get some minerals from water puddles, gravel roads and fresh animal manure.

The poplar admiral’s wingspan is about 7–8 cm.

Our butterfly tour in June proved that poplar admirals are not hard to find in Estonian forests—we saw many of them.

The type is characterized by a short imago stage—just a couple of weeks. Butterflies are on the move until late June to mid-July.

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