Author Archives: Estonian Wildlife Tours
Naturreise Estland – Entdecken Sie die unberührte Wildnis mit Naturführerin Eleri Lopp
Estland ist ein wahres Paradies für Naturliebhaber. Mit seinen unberührten Wäldern, weiten Moorlandschaften und einer faszinierenden Tierwelt bietet das Land eine außergewöhnliche Gelegenheit, die Natur in ihrer reinsten Form zu erleben. Eine wird besonders unvergesslich, wenn Sie sie mit einer erfahrenen Naturführerin unternehmen. Warum eine Naturreise Estland mit einer lokalen Naturführerin? Die estnische Natur ist … Continue reading
Exploring Natural Wonders with Estonian nature guide Eleri Lopp
Discover Estonia’s Wild Beauty with an Expert Estonian Nature Guide Eleri Lopp Estonia, with its untouched forests, pristine bogs, and abundant wildlife, offers a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike. If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience in the wild, there’s no better way to explore Estonia’s natural wonders than with an … Continue reading
Brown Bear watching in Estonia
Most of You maybe dont know but Estonia is one of the best places to see Bears. Main reasons You should come to Bear watching in Estonia ? First. We are small country and whats most important in that small area we have 600-700 bears. There are no other countries what can comped with that. Second. … Continue reading
Bird photography in Estonia
Bird photography in Estonia There is so much information how to photograph birds in technical manner but not so much how to get close to birds. You can know how to use your camera and put it in correct settings. To get close to birds is other story and probably harder than to learn … Continue reading
Why to bird watching in Estonia ?
Bird watching in Estonia Why is Estonia an excellent location for bird watching? * about 70% of Estonia is bordered by water, which almost makes Estonia a peninsula * we have many lakes, swamps and bogs, which are highly suitable bird habitats * the Black Stork, Hazel Grouse, Capercaillie and Nutcracker nest here. There are … Continue reading
Ural Owls in Estonian forests
Ural Owls in Estonian forests What have I experienced in photographing this mostly nocturnal bird? Ural Owls need old trees to nest, but they also use other birds’ old nests. They like large forest massifs. Ural Owls in Estonian forests prefer locations with grass fields or open spaces like clear cut forest areas. Mice are … Continue reading
Feedback from Estonian Wildlife Tours (beavers, moose, brown bears) clients:
> Hei Eleri> Thanks for everything. The Moose encounter was amazing, I don’t think> we can ever repeat that. We saw several bears at the hide plus fox,> squirrel and raccoon dog. On our last day there were thousands of> geese at cranes near Lahemaa.> All the best> Chris Feedback from Estonian Wildlife Tours ( … Continue reading
Brown Bear Photography
What I have learned observing Brown Bears …they arrive very silently, just like nowhere. They walk very majestically, smoothly, looks like they dont hear or see you but actually everything is under control.They notice absolutely all around. If you change even a small thing around the place what they are used to visit, they notice … Continue reading
White-Tailed Eagle Photography
White-Tailed Eagle Photography The white-tailed eagle is largest bird of prey in Estonia, with a wing span of 200-245 cm and a body mass of up to 6 kg. The white-tailed eagle is apparently native to Estonia. The first written records of white-tailed eagles encountered in the Baltic States date back to the final … Continue reading
A beaver story- Beaver Photography
It is the brief hour of twilight that characterises the northern summer nights. I have just arrived next to a little pond at the edge of a forest, connected to a ditch. In the midst of the lively sounds of a late June evening, I hear hungry, almost aggressive munching. It is coming from the … Continue reading